1week before raya......
pose pon da nk smpi penghujungnyer....
cpt je rasenye masa berlalu.....
tp feel nk raya tuu xrase ape pon....
sem nii pon da final year....
bz ngn fyp...sbject2 yg mcm2....
pening pale...
sume nk siap on time...
test mcm2 lak...
sabo je laaa...
xsaba nk g intra niii....
plan nk intra area png or kulim xpon kl.....
| at 11:22:00 AM
dgn clas yg buzy sgt2...
aku da kene demam
& paling xdisangka da disuspected h1N1...
cam xcaya jee....
entah2 doctor yg cek aku tu tipu kot...
demam aku mcm biase2 je...
xde la selseme bab! tuu...
tp sedih giler....
bile disuro lik uma...
sampai uma....
bosan lak....
| at 6:24:00 PM
| at 12:34:00 AM
lmbtnye la rase nk abis taun nii...
xsabarnye nk tggl kan tmpt nii...
bkn ape...
bile timbul mcm2 konflik...
aku jd blur...
sume ade..
dgn environment yg entah ape2...
dgn kawan2 yg bnyk songeh....
| at 8:57:00 PM
Girl Facts--
when a girl is mean to you after a break-up
she wants you back but she is too
scared she'll get hurt and knows
you're gone forever!
when you catch a girl glancing at you,
she wants you to look back
and smile
When a girl bumps into your arm,
while walking with you
she wants
you to hold her hand
When she wants a hug
she will just stand there
When u break a girls heart
she still feels it when
you run into each other 3 years later
When a girl is quiet,
millions of things are running through her
When a girl is not arguing,
she is thinking deeply,,
When a girl looks at you with eyes full of
she is wondering how long you will be
When a girl answers, "I'm fine," after a
few seconds,
When a girl stares at you,
she is wondering why you are playing games
When a girl lays her head on your chest,
she is wishing for you to be hers forever
When a girl says she can't live
without you,
she has made up her mind that you are
her future
When a girl says, "I miss you,"
no one in this world can miss you more
than that
When a guy calls you,
he wants to be with you
When a guy is quiet,
He's listening to you...
When a guy is not arguing,
He realizes he's wrong
When a guy says, "I'm fine" after a few
he means it
When a guy stares at you,
he wishes you would care about him and
wonders if you do
When your laying your head on a guy's
he has the world
When a guy calls/texts/comments/messages you everyday,
he is in love
When a (good) guy tells you he loves you,
he means it
(Haha. Love this one. The 'good' word must be there) :P
When a guy says he can't live without you,
he's with you till your done
When a guy says, "I miss you,"
he misses you more than you could have
ever missed him or anything else
repost this in 10 minutes and your true
love will
call you;
text you;
kiss you;
or just surprise u(:
Was there someone in your mind as you read this?
Don't deny it, you know you never want to lose this person(:
| at 4:38:00 PM
'kdg2 ALLAH sembunyikan matahari,DIA dtgkn petir&kilat,kita tertanya2 kemana nye hilang matahari,rupa2 nya ALLAH memberi kite pelangi'
'bile berfikir rasa mati,dan awk masih rase takut,itulah tandanya kita msih mempunyai iman'
'carilah rezeki spt kamu ingin menongkat dunia dan beribadahlah kamu spt kamu ingin mati keesokkan harinye'
i) cinta kepada allah dan rasulnya
ii) cinta kepada ibubapa
iii) cinta kepada bangsa dan tanah air
iv) cinta kepada diri sendiri
Jodoh terbahagi kepada 3:
i) jodoh dari syaitan
- berkenalan, berpegangan tangan, dan terus buat maksiat,
akhirnye si gadis mengandung, baru bernikah
ii) jodoh dari jin
- berkenalan, si teruna suka si gadis tp si gadis tidak menyukainya,
lalu si teruna bomohkan/sihirkan si gadis agar si gadis menyukainya, lalu mereka bernikah
iii) jodoh dari ALLAH
- kamu berdua berpandangan mata,terus menusuk ke kalbu,terus meminang
si gadis,dan si gadis terima pinangan teruna itu,dan mereka
berdua bernikah.
insayALLAH berkekalan hingga ke akhir hayat.
dan inilah dikatakan
"syurga cinta"
| at 12:07:00 AM
rasenye arini mmg ari yg sgt best n d'bomb bg aku...
ptg td aku g jogging@jln2 amik angin ptg....
xjogging pon sbnrnye...
jln2..pusing2 dok tgk glagat org...
mcm2 org aku nmpk td...
dri yg kecik smpi la yg besa..
dri yg mude smpi la yg tua...
dri yg bngsa mlayu,cine smpi la india...
sume sama2 "berjoging"...
kat tmpt aku joging tu ade tasik,cantik sgt...
tu yg namanye tasik mengkuang...
rase tenang je time pegi ptg td..
xtau nk xplen cmne rase ptg td...
rase mcm xnk blik je td..
pastu kat tepi2 tasik tu ade bnyk ikan...
mcm2 ikan ade..
ade ikan emas..pastu ikan mcm ikan bilis...
org2 yg dtg tgk tu sume bg cebis2 roti kat ikan2 tu...
jd kotor la tmpt tu...
nk je aku tego td...
tp yg pliknye,yg bg tu sume...
lg tua dri aku,xkn xleh pkir...
| at 2:29:00 AM
aku saje je nk post topic ni..
aku sbnrnye da mkn ati sgt2 ngn kwn2 aku..
hampeh tol dorg tu...
aku xtau la ape slh aku,smpi bt mcm nii...
at least,btau aku ape slh aku...
aku xde la nk bengang tahap gaban cam ni...
ni bile aku msg,xrply...
col xangkat..
camne la aku nk bt...
weh korg...
kalo aku ade bt slh ape2 ke..
btau je la dpn2...
toksah la korg bt cmni...
ape punye friendship camni..
kalo dok ckp blakang...
dok kutuk org..
sana sini xpuas ati...
korg ingt korg tu PERFECT sgt ke...
halooo...kite sume manusia lorr...
bkn hewan yg xde otak..
kalo korg PERFECT sgt...
xde nye korg study...
confirm da pegang jwtn CEO kan..
bole ke pegang CEO tu,kalo ati korg tu BUSUK sesangat..
silap aribulan,bankrup n kayap la korg....
lantaak la korg yer...
nk ckp ape ke.
bt ape ke..
aku duli ape..
aku da frust sgt2 ngn korg..
ape2 pon...
all the best...
korg tetap kawan2 aku...
| at 12:51:00 PM
ni ngh aku xde keje nk bt,aku pon meluahkan isi hati aku dlm bhase cine..hehehe....
sape2 yg reti baca tu,sory la kalo ade tersilap word..hehe..
rindu lak time skola cine ni,ngn kwn2 yg sporting,baik2..hehe...
mizz u all galss...nnt ade mase kite wat gathering,k....
tak lupe gak wat mbr2 aku kat spring2 tu,thnx ya 4 ur comment..
"u msih fluent ye dlm mndarin,thats good la girl" hehe,,mau xkembang semangkuk aku bile ade org puji mcm tu..ceh2..hahaha..best2 n rase proud gile bile bole ckp bhase dorg ni,dorg nk tipu kite pon ssh...
but 1 more thing, aku post bende ni bkn aku nk berlagak ke ape,
but aku juz nk share ngn korg betape bertuahnye dpt fasih dlm bhase asing ni...kalo xsilap aku,mandarin adalah bahase yg pling banyak digunakan di dunia..wow!! thats amazing rite..
nway,nice to share wif u all..njoy my post...
在这几天,我觉得很想不要回吉隆坡,我还想住在家, 讨厌要回那边。。。
| at 12:25:00 PM
1. Adakah sukar untuk anda mengucapkan good bye pd kekasih anda?
mule2 tu susa gak,pastu godbye 4ever...
2. Berapa lama anda mengambil keputusan untuk say good bye?
in 1second...*wink*
3. Perlukah anda mempunyai banyak reason untuk berpisah?
da takde jodo...nk watcmne...
4. Apa reaksi si dia apabila anda minta berpisah?
crying n crying...
5. Setelah berpisah, adakah anda bule menerimanya dalam hidup anda lagi?
cari je org len yg lagi baik...
6. Pernahkah anda teringat kenangan bersama dia setelah anda berpisah?
sumetimes when i feel lonely..sob2
7. Jika anda rindu kan bekas kekasih, apa anda wat? call? sms? else?
rilex suda..bt la bende2 yg leh lupekan die trs..
8. camne anda selepas berpisah? bahagia? sengsara?
thank you mangkok!!!
9. Bekas kekasih anda sudah ada kapel baru?
10. Apa ucapan anda kepada bekas kekasih anda?
moga hidup awk lagi bahagia tanpa saya..(ceh jiwang la plak..weee)
Siapakah yang berani menjawab soalan tag ini?
| at 2:41:00 AM
1. Hug them.
2. Write a love note.
3. Call them at work just to say "Hi."
4. Give them a foot massage.
5. Tell them a joke.
6. Caress them with slow gentle strokes.
7. Go for a walk with them.
8. Send them a "happy gram."
9. Admit your mistakes.
10. Say: "I love you."
11. Indulge a whim.
12. Listen to them talk about an interest of theirs.
13. Be trustworthy.
14. Instead of complaining, tell them what you would prefer.
15. Look at them when you're in a discussion.
16. Send flowers.
17. Compliment something they did.
18. Offer to help.
19. Ask them to show you how to do something.
20. Call when you are going to be late..
21. Take them out to dinner.
22. Write them a poem about how special they are.
23. Cut out a cartoon they'll enjoy.
24. Ask them what they'd like sexually.
25. Go shopping together.
26. Take an afternoon drive.
27. Cuddle.
28. Put your arm around them in front of others.
29. Take them out on a surprise date.
30. Do something they want to do.
31. Listen.
32. Plan a candle light dinner.
33. Look at old photos together.
34. Serve them breakfast in bed.
35. Hold hands.
36. Share sexual fantasies.
37. Do a work project together.
38. Rub their back.
39. Take a shower together.
40. Carry their photo in your wallet.
41. Go away together for a weekend holiday.
42. Kiss them.
43. Smile more when you look at them.
44. Go for a bicycle ride together.
45. Surprise them with "special" attire.
46. Plan a picnic lunch.
47. Read something together about how to have a better relationship.
48. Repeat what they say before answering.
49. Say "Good morning" first.
50. Ask if they have a few minutes first before interrupting.
51. Send them a card.
52. Surprise them with a gift when it's a non-holiday.
53. Cook them a favorite meal.
54. Try a new restaurant.
55. Ask them how they feel.
56. Let them know when you are proud of them.
57. Ask for their opinion.
58. Turn on some romantic music.
59. Dedicate a song to them.
60. Send them a balloon bouquet.
61. Watch a sunset together.
62. Play a game together.
63. Have them teach you something they know.
64. Tell them they have the night off.
65. Go to a movie they select.
66. Ask them for a hug.
67. Wear some new cologne.
68. Discuss future plans with them.
69. Ask if you can help when they look sad.
70. Ask them about their dreams.
71. Meet them for lunch..
72. Enlarge a scenic photo of a place you've shared..
73. Give them a gift certificate for their favorite store.
74. Tell them what you like about them.
75. Buy them a new perfume.
76. Take them to a scenic spot.
77. Send them a gourmet gift basket.
78. Send them a joke card.
79. Let them know when you've thought of them during the day.
80. Buy them a toy.
81. Compliment them to their friends.
82. Bring them a thirst quenching drink.
83. Tell them when they look attractive.
84. Send them a post card.
85. Invite them to a secret rendezvous.
86. Give them a massage.
87. Take a lesson with them.
88. Look at photos together of when you met.
89. Plan a vacation with them.
90. Listen openly to their opposing opinion.
91. Buy them a new piece of jewelry.
92. Watch a TV show they like with them
93. Write them a letter.
94. Listen to music with them, such as an old favorite.
95. Whisper sweet nothings in their ear.
96. Tell them what you like that they do.
97. Give a head massage.
98. Invite them to a concert.
99. Let them know you care
| at 1:10:00 AM
| at 8:21:00 PM
stupid cupid
stupid cupid, u're real mean guy
(stupid cupid)
i'd like to clip ur wings so u can't fly
(stupid cupid)
i am in love and its a crying shame
(stupid cupid)
and i know u're the one to blame
(stupid cupid)
hey hey, set me free
stupid cupid, stop picking on me
cant do my homework and i cant think straight
(stupid cupid)
i meet him every morning at bout half past eight
(stupid cupid)
i am acting like a lovesick fool
(stupid cupid)
u've got me carrying his books to school
(stupid cupid)
hey hey, set me free
stupid cupid, stop picking on me
u mixed me up for good
right from the very start
hey, go play robin hood
with somebody else's heart
u got me jumping like a crazy clown
(stupid cupid)
and i dont feature what u're puttin' down
(stupid cupid)
since i kissed his loving lips of wine
(stupid cupid)
the things that bothers me is that i like its fine
(stupid cupid)
hey hey, set me free
stupid cupid, stop picking on me
u got me jumping like a crazy clown
(stupid cupid)
and i dont feature what u're puttin' down
(stupid cupid)
since i kissed his loving lips of wine
(stupid cupid)
the things that bothers me is that i like its fine
(stupid cupid)
hey hey, set me free
stupid cupid, stop picking on me
(stupid cupid)
hey hey, set me free
stupid cupid, stop picking on me
stupid cupid,stupid cupid
stupid cupid,stupid cupid
stupid cupid,stupid cupid
stupid cupid,stupid cupid
| at 11:20:00 PM
* kUc!Ng....Cat....猫 * ermm..
pastu td,aku pegi la gatal tgn cri kat enjin goggle tu psl ke"unik"an kucing...xsngka,dlm diam,kucing2 ni bnyk btol ciri2 unik die tu..meh aku share ngn korg sal ke"unik"an kucing:
- Kucing kampung mendengkur setiap 26 kali per detik, sama dengan frekwensi mesin disel dalam keadaan idle. Kucing kampung dapat mendengar frekswensi suara hingga 65 kHz, sedangkan manusia hingga 20 kHz. Kemampuan indera penciumannya 14 kali lebih kuat daripada penciuman manusia.
- Pada mata kucing ada lapisan pemantul cahaya yang dinamakan tapetum lucidum, yang menyebabkan mata kucing berpendar di malam hari. Lapisan pemantul ini dapat menyerap cahaya 6 kali lebih kuat daripada mata manusia, yang memungkinkan kucing untuk dapat melihat di kegelapan.
- Kucing memiliki sekitar 30 gigi dalam mulutnya.
- Kucing tidur paling lama diantara binatang lainnya, sekitar 16 jam.
- Tahukah kamu, kucing (Felis silvestrid-catus), terutama kucing rumah adalah salah satu hewan predator paling hebat di dunia. Kucing ini mampu membunuh dan atau memakan beberapa ribu species, mengalahkan kucing besar (seperti singa, harimau, dan sejenisnya) yang hanya mampu memangsa kurang dari 100 species. Namun karena ukurannya terbilang kecil, maka tidak berbahaya bagi manusia (syukurlah…). Namun tetap saja tetap berbahaya apabila kucing ini terinfeksi rabies.
- Kucing termasuk hewan yang sangat bersih. Mereka sering merawat diri dengan menjilati rambut mereka. Saliva atau air liur mereka adalah agen pembersih yang kuat. tapi dapat memicu alergi pada manusia. Kadangkala kucing memuntahkan semacam hairball atau gulungan rambut yang terkumpul di dalam perutnya. Sementara itu kucing dapat menyimpan energi dengan cara tidur lebih sering ketimbang hewan lain. Lama tidur kucing bervariasi antara 12 - 16 jam per hari, dengan angka rata-rata 13 - 14 jam. Tapi tidak jarang dijumpai kucing yang tidur selama 20 jam dalam satu hari.
- Percaya atau tidak, di abad pertengahan kucing dianggap berasosiasi dengan penyihir dan sering dibunuh dengan cara dibakar dan dilempar dari tempat tinggi. Sejumlah ahli sejarah percaya bahwa wabah Black Death atau wabah pes menyebar dengan cepat di Eropa pada abad ke-14 akibat tahyul itu. Hal itu disebabkan banyaknya pembunuhan kucing yang dilakukan sehingga meningkatkan populasi tikus yang membawa wabah pes tersebut.
- Kucing biasanya memiliki berat badan antara 2,5 hingga 7 kg dan jarang melebihi 10 kg, kecuali diberi makan berlebih, si pussy bisa mencapai berat badan 23 kg. Dalam penangkaran, kucing dapat hidup selama 15 hingga 20 tahun, dimana kucing tertua pernah diketahui berusia 36 tahun! Kucing liar yang hidup di lingkungan urban modern hanya mampu hidup selama dua tahun atau bahkan kurang dari itu.
| at 5:33:00 PM
salam sume...
ni aku ade bende yg musykil sgt2 ni,entah ape kene la ngn blog layout aku ni,adeke tetibe kua profile sape nth.."mayb org yg create layout ni"...tula,nk tny la ngn korg,korg ade tmpt layout yg best2 x??share la ngn aku...bg la comment kat aku,need ur help sesangat..thnx all...
| at 5:10:00 PM
1. Kekasih saya adalah :
~ my dear ~ hihi
2. Saya sedang mendengar :
~ mercy by duffy ~
3. Mungkin saya patut :
~ off je laptop ni & kua jln2 cri mkn ~ *kalo x,aku lupe mkn&mnum* ~_^
4. Saya baru sudah :
~ update blog ni,td sume ilang,tension je ~
5. Beza rakan, sahabat, kawan :
~ same je lorh,xcaya tny kamus dewan edisi 12,kan?? hehe..~
6. Saya tidak faham :
~ nape la ade org yg bole lyn tenet ni shari suntuk ~
7. Saya perlu mencari :
~ barang2 keperluan yg nk dbwa blik mgu dpn ~ adoii!!
8. Ayat terakhir yang dikatakan kepada saya :
~ "ko xnk ikot ke g bli brg" td mak bru ckp,hehe...~
9. Makna kehidupan :
~ hayati lah kehidupan ini dgn penuh kesyukuran,alhamdulillah ~
10. Cinta itu adalah :
~ tersangat indah bile ade org menyanyangi kite lbih dri segala..~
11. Saya paling suka :
~ mnum nescafe smbil msk2 ~
12. Saya akan cuba :
~ mengubah diri ini utk jd lebih baik dri skg ~
13. Mengapa rakyat Malaysia suka menggunakan LAH di akhir ayat mereka :
~ ngada2..hihi ~
14. Telefon bimbit saya :
~ sume ade...canggih la kunun2nyer..~
15. Katil saya :
~ pnuh ngn bear2 yg menyemakkan ~
16. Soalan yang bagi saya tidak perlu ditanya :
~ siapa tuhan kite ~
17. Teknologi adalah :
~ superb ~
18. Bagaimana saya boleh memasak masakan yang saya paling pandai masak :
~ sume reti msk,ckp je ape,nnt aku masakkan...hehe ~
19. Semalam :
~ bosan ckt...xbest!!! ~
20. Hari ini :
~ ujan..mendung...gelap... ~
21. Malam ini saya akan :
~ rase2 nk lyn tv la..off9 sekejap ~
22. Esok pula saya akan :
~ sok kua jln2 ngn tuttttt...xsaba..~
23. Saya betul2 inginkan :
~ IR (for engineer) insyallah ~
24. Badminton atau futsal? :
~ due-2 lyn beb..best...satu tu guna tgn,kua ckt muscle2 aku ni..satu lgi sepak,tegang ckt urat2 betis aku...hehehe ~
25. Karaoke :
~ lagu umbrella...kene gelak,malu seh..tp best!! ~
26. Kereta :
~ ade kat lua tu..~
27. Bilik yang terang atau gelap :
~ terang+gelap ~
28. Makanan jepun adalah :
~ ee..yakk....xsuke ~
29. Ayat terakhir yang nak anda katakan pada seseorang :
~ "syg awk sgt2" ~
30. Siapa yang anda tag :
| at 5:01:00 PM
assalamaualaikum wbt....
di sini,aku nk ucpkan bebanyk trime kasih pada yg meng"follower" aku tu,thnx yaa....
aku pon bru je nk berjinak2 ngn bloging2 ni,if ade slh&silap,ajar2 kan la yer...
yela,time ni aku ngh free giler,aku pon leh r lyn blog ni 24jam sehari,hehehe....
arini aku mcm biase la,dok2 uma,melepak2 kan diri aku dpn laptop cyg aku ni,hehe....
dok mengadjust2 blog,cri2 bhn bru,best2,sedar xsdr da sehari suntuk gak la aku dok ats kusi ni smbil ngdap bende alah ni...
ermmm...okla,nnt aku post bende2 yg best yeer..
lurve u alll...daaa...
| at 10:20:00 PM
Lelaki tidak suka:
1. Wanita yang suka mengumpat
2. Sombong dan bongkak tak tentu pasal
3. Menunjukkan sikap yang terlalu memiliki
4. Merokok
5. Wanita yang melayan lelaki seperti alas kaki
6. Wanita yang suka menunjuk-nunjuk untuk mendapat perhatian
7. Tak boleh ke awak buat sesuatu dengan betul
8. Jangan awak nak ajar saya apa yang betul, apa yang tidak..
9. Wanita yang bersikap hipokrit
10. Terlalu ingin mengetahui hal peribadi lelaki
11. Sukar buat keputusan terutama hal berkenaan hubungan serius dengan si lelaki
12. Kurang sifat kasih sayang walaupun terhadap binatang
13. Pakaian wanita berselerak di biliknya
14. Tidak bertanggungjawab langsung
15. Wanita yang terlalu suka bersosial sehingga tiada batasan lagi dalam pergaulannya
16. Kuat berleter walaupun dalam hal yang remeh
17. Boros berbelanja
18. Tidak tahu/malas memasak
19. Sikap manja yang terlalu menyakitkan hati
20. Queen control hinggakan nak buang air pun perlu minta izinnya
hehe..ni sambungan dri post yg sblm ni..post kali ni adalah ape yg dibenci oleh kaum adam pada kaum hawa..so,pada kaum hawa,jaga2 la ckt perangai tu..hehe
sampai cni saje post aku kali ni..dadadidudu..muuaahhh...
| at 8:59:00 PM
Jom Layan Tag!!!
2. Last phone call: mY dearR..opS...=)
3. Last text message: dEaR(sumeOne yG sGt caRing k@t aku)...
4. Last song you listened to: Stepping Stone by Duffy..cool ^_~
5. Last time you cried: xingt la doowh...
6. Dated someone twice: mestilaa...hihi..=)
7. Been cheated on: ermm...
8. Kissed someone & regretted it: eee..haram..^_^
9. Lost someone special: dlu pernah r skali..sedey..
10. Been depressed: yep!!
11. Been drunk and threw up: wekkk...
13.biru laut
14. purple
15. Made a new friend: ramai gile...sejak aku cuti sem ni,rmi gile berkawan...hihi
16. Fallen out of love: hehe..entahla...
17. Laughed until you cried: sumetimes..erm..aduhh..
18. Met someone who changed you:ade sorg tuu..hehe
19. Found out who your true friends were: nope..sume xleh caya..
20. Found out someone was talking about you: gi mampos laa...neraka la tmpat korg..haha
21. Kissed anyone on your friend's list: ni lagi haram..maksiat!!
22. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life: ade la sorg due je kot..
23. How many kids do you want?: 2 org ckupla...bt pe rmi2..hehe
24. Do you have any pets: yep...si emo@mok(kucing gemok aku) ngn ikan puyu(ikan ksygn mak)
25. Do you want to change your name: Nope!! Thanks 2 my parents,gave me a real nice name! =)
26. What did you do for your last birthday: my mom blikan cake from secrt rcipie...thnx mom!!
27. What time did you wake up today:6.30am..solat subuh..pastu tdo blik..hehe..ngntok seh..
28. What were you doing at midnight: chatting..blogging..twitting..pastu tido...zZzzz
29. Name something you CANNOT wait for: elaun r beb!! where is my MONEY2!!hahaha...
30. Last time you saw your Mother: tadi bru je tgk..
31. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: alhamdulillah...
32. What are you listening to right now : miracle by cascada...best seh
33. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: sape la tu..
34. What's getting on your nerves right now: Emmm,xdek kot...
35. Most visited webpage: tagged!! twitter!! blogger!!
36. Whats your real name: simple a.k.a ika
37. Nicknames: kaka
38. Relationship Status: single BUT not available...ahaks...
39. Zodiac sign:libra
40. Male or female?: girl
41. Primary School?: srjk(c) ai chun(1)
42. Secondary School?: SMK Jalan Kolam Air
43. High school/college/university? : ipts sumwhere kat kl
45. Long or short: panjang paras bahu..
46. Height: entah dowhh..
47. Do you have a crush on someone?: ade sekor tu..hehe
48: What do you like about yourself?: love maself!!
49. Piercings: i can't!!!!
51. Righty or lefty: ?????
53. First piercing: never!
54. First best friend: aku hilang ingatannnn...=p~
55. First sport you joined:tido..hahaha
56. First vacation: entah la..xingt...
58. First pair of trainers:nope
59. Eating: da mkn ptg td..kenyg,jnj aku yg masak,bedal je la..hihi..
60. Drinking: nescafe..addicted daa..
61. I'm about to: o9...
62. Listening to: hitam manis....lagu lme
63. Waiting on: a sms from HIM (mY dEar lor)
65. Get Married?: mestila..hehe
66. Career?: engineer yg berjaya..
68. Hugs or kisses: hugs la..beshh
69. Shorter or taller: taller...
70. Older or Younger: Older!!
71. Romantic or spontaneous: spontaneous
72. Nice stomach or nice arms: stomach
73. Sensitive or loud: loud
74. Hook-up or relationship: relationship
75. Trouble maker or hesitant: hesitant
76. Kissed a stranger: blom la..suci lagi..
77. Drank hard liquor: haram..
78. Lost glasses/contacts: sumetimes but mostly mY conTact lEns bnyk m'bntu..
79. Sex on first date:kawin dlu..
80. Broken someone's heart:ade kot...
82. Been arrested: xpernah la..baik dowh aku nie..
83. Turned someone down: maybe
84. Cried when someone died: mestilaa..
85. Fallen for a friend?: hehe..
87. Miracles: sometimes...
88. Love at first sight: yup!
89. Heaven: yess!
90. Santa Claus: dongeng semata2..
91. Kiss on the first date:no!
92. Angels: 100%!!
94. Had more than 1 girlfriend/boyfriend at a time: kawan2 bia ramai1..bru besh!!
95. Did you sing today?: yep...aaaa~~~
96. Ever cheated on somebody?: yes...hehe..bukan sengaja tau..
97. If you could go back in time, how far would you go?: mase aku tadika...miss that moment..
98. If you could pick a day from last year and relive it, what would it be?: time bezday aku..
99. Are you afraid of falling in love?: entah...
100. Posting this as 100 truths?: yepp!!