Lelaki tidak suka:

1. Wanita yang suka mengumpat
2. Sombong dan bongkak tak tentu pasal
3. Menunjukkan sikap yang terlalu memiliki
4. Merokok
5. Wanita yang melayan lelaki seperti alas kaki
6. Wanita yang suka menunjuk-nunjuk untuk mendapat perhatian
7. Tak boleh ke awak buat sesuatu dengan betul
8. Jangan awak nak ajar saya apa yang betul, apa yang tidak..
9. Wanita yang bersikap hipokrit
10. Terlalu ingin mengetahui hal peribadi lelaki
11. Sukar buat keputusan terutama hal berkenaan hubungan serius dengan si lelaki
12. Kurang sifat kasih sayang walaupun terhadap binatang
13. Pakaian wanita berselerak di biliknya
14. Tidak bertanggungjawab langsung
15. Wanita yang terlalu suka bersosial sehingga tiada batasan lagi dalam pergaulannya
16. Kuat berleter walaupun dalam hal yang remeh
17. Boros berbelanja
18. Tidak tahu/malas memasak
19. Sikap manja yang terlalu menyakitkan hati
20. Queen control hinggakan nak buang air pun perlu minta izinnya

hehe..ni sambungan dri post yg sblm ni..post kali ni adalah ape yg dibenci oleh kaum adam pada kaum hawa..so,pada kaum hawa,jaga2 la ckt perangai tu..hehe

sampai cni saje post aku kali ni..dadadidudu..muuaahhh...

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Jom Layan Tag!!!


1. Last beverage: air sejuK+nescafe...
2. Last phone call: mY dearR..opS...=)
3. Last text message: dEaR(sumeOne yG sGt caRing k@t aku)...
4. Last song you listened to: Stepping Stone by Duffy..cool ^_~
5. Last time you cried: xingt la doowh...


6. Dated someone twice: mestilaa...hihi..=)
7. Been cheate
d on: ermm...
8. Kissed someone & regretted it: eee..haram..^_^
9. Lost someone special: dlu pernah r skali..sedey..
10. Been depressed: yep!!
11. Been drunk and threw up: wekkk...


12. pink
13.biru laut
14. purple

15. Made a new friend: ramai gile...sejak aku cuti sem ni,rmi gile berkawan...hihi
16. Fallen out of love: hehe..entahla...
17. Laughed until you cried: sumetimes..erm..aduhh..
18. Met someone who changed you:ade sorg tuu..hehe
19. Found out who your true friends were: nope..sume xleh caya..
20. Found out someone was talking about you: gi mampos laa...neraka la tmpat korg..haha
21. Kissed anyone on your friend's list: ni lagi haram..maksiat!!
22. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life: ade la sorg due je kot..
23. How many kids do you want?: 2 org ckupla...bt pe rmi2..hehe
24. Do you have any pets: yep...si emo@mok(kucing gemok aku) ngn ikan puyu(ikan ksygn mak)
25. Do you want to change your name: Nope!! Thanks 2 my parents,gave me a real nice name! =)
26. What did you do for your last birthday: my mom blikan cake from secrt rcipie...thnx mom!!
27. What time did you wake up today:6.30am..solat subuh..pastu tdo blik..hehe..ngntok seh..
28. What were you doing at midnight: chatting..blogging..twitting..pastu tido...zZzzz
29. Name something you CANNOT wait for: elaun r beb!! where is my MONEY2!!hahaha...
30. Last time you saw your Mother: tadi bru je tgk..
31. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: alhamdulillah...
32. What are you listening to right now : miracle by cascada...best seh
33. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: sape la tu..
34. What's getting on your nerves right now: Emmm,xdek kot...
35. Most visited webpage: tagged!! twitter!! blogger!!
36. Whats your real name: simple a.k.a ika
37. Nicknames: kaka
38. Relationship Status: single BUT not available...ahaks...
39. Zodiac sign:libra
40. Male or female?: girl
41. Primary School?: srjk(c) ai chun(1)
42. Secondary School?: SMK Jalan Kolam Air
43. High school/college/university? : ipts sumwhere kat kl
44. Hair colour: keperang-perangan...hihi
45. Long or short: panjang paras bahu..
46. Height: entah dowhh..
47. Do you have a crush on someone?: ade sekor tu..hehe
48: What do you like about yourself?: love maself!!
49. Piercings: i can't!!!!
51. Righty or lefty: ?????

52. First surgery: xpernah
53. First piercing: never!
54. First best friend: aku hilang ingatannnn...=p~
55. First sport you joined:tido..hahaha
56. First vacation: entah la..xingt...
58. First pair of trainers:nope

59. Eating: da mkn ptg td..kenyg,jnj aku yg masak,bedal je la..hihi..
60. Drinking: nescafe..addicted daa..
61. I'm
about to: o9...
62. Listening to: hitam manis....lagu lme
63. Waiting on: a sms from HIM (mY dEar lor)

64. Want kids?: ade rezeki aku trime je..
65. Get Married?: mestila..hehe
66. Career?: engineer yg berjaya..

67. Lips or eyes: mY lips so seXy..wahhhh...=)
68. Hugs or kisses: hugs la..beshh
69. Shorter or taller: taller...
70. Older or Younger: Older!!
71. Romantic or spontaneous: spontaneous
72. Nice stomach or nice arms: stomach
73. Sensitive or loud: loud
74. Hook-up or relationship: relationship
75. Trouble maker or hesitant: hesitant

76. Kissed a stranger: blom la..suci lagi..
77. Drank hard liquor: haram..
78. Lost glasses/contacts: sumetimes but mostly mY conTact lEns bnyk m'bntu..
79. Sex on first date:kawin dlu..
80. Broken someone's heart:ade kot...
82. Been arrested: xpernah la..baik dowh aku nie..
83. Turned someone down: maybe
84. Cried when someone died: mestilaa..
85. Fallen for a friend?: hehe..

86. Yourself: of cos!!
87. Miracles: sometimes...
88. Love at first sight: yup!
89. Heaven: yess!
90. Santa Claus: dongeng semata2..
91. Kiss on the first date:no!
92. Angels: 100%!!

94. Had more than 1 girlfriend/boyfriend at a time: kawan2 bia ramai1..bru besh!!
95. Did you sing today?: yep...aaaa~~~
96. Ever cheated on somebody?: yes...hehe..bukan sengaja tau..
97. If you could go back in time, how far would you go?: mase aku tadika...miss that moment..
98. If you could pick a day from last year and relive it, what would it be?: time bezday aku..
99. Are you afraid of falling in love?: entah...
100. Posting this as 100 truths?: yepp!!

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apa yg lelaki suke pada wanita

kali ni,aku nk post topic yg aku rase best..
pada gadis2 kt luar sane,korg rse korg ade ke ciri2 mcm ni yg bole bt si jejaka ter"jatuh" ati kat korg,kalo xde ciri2 ni,ape lg beb,meh la kite try..pada yg "berpunya" tu,try la bnde2 ni,mane tau "si dia" lg syg2 kat korg..hihi..pape pon,korg enjoy la ngn post aku ni yer...


1. Wanita yang bersikap kelakar

2. Berbudi pekerti

3. Murah hati

4. Senyuman manja

5. Tahu memasak

6. Pandai dalam menggayakan pakaian

7. Penampilan yang menarik dan sesuai dengan citarasanya

8. Tidak mudah naik angin

9. Seorang wanita yang sanggup meminjamkan keretanya kepada lelaki bila kereta lelaki tersebut rosak

10. Tidak terlalu seksi dalam berpakaian

11. Ok..tadi awak belanja makan, biarlah saya bayarkan tiket wayang.

12. Wanita yang dapat menjalinkan perhubungan rapat dengan ibunya

13. Wanita yang berwawasan/bercita-cita tinggi

14. Wanita yang mempunyai keyakinan diri yang tinggi

15. Wanita yang tahu menjaga maruah diri

16. Wanita yang cekal serta tidak mudah mengalah dalam situasi tertekan

17. Sentiasa berada di sisi tidak kira masa susah atau senang

18. Yang tidak suka berleter

19. Tidak kisah dengan cara apa pun untuk mendapatkan makanan kegemaran lelaki

20. Sediakan secawan teh/kopi tanpa disuruh

21. Wanita yang mengambil berat tentang lelaki

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~~ this is me ~~

always been the kind of girl that hid my face so afraid to tell the world what i've got to say but i have this dream right inside of me i'm gonna let it show to let u know this is real, this is me i'm exactly where i'm supposed to be now gonna let the light shine on me now i've found who i am there's no way to hold it in no more hiding who i wanna be this is me do u know what it's like to feel so in the dark? to dream about a life where u're the shining star even though it seems like its too far away i have to believe in myself its the only way this is real,this is me i'm exactly where i'm supposed to be now gonna let the light shine on me now i've found who i am there's no way to hold it in no more hiding who i wanna be this is me u're the voice inside my head the reason that i'm singing i need to find u, i gotta find u u're the missing piece i need the song inside of me i need to find u, i gotta find u this is real, this is me i'm exactly where i'm supposed to be now gonna let the light shine on me there's no way to hold it in no more hiding who i wanna be this is me, this is me now i've found who i am there's no way to hold it in no more hiding who i wanna be this is me

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my sweetest songs



i love u but i gotta stay true
my moral?s got me on my knees
i'm begging please
stop playing games

i don't know what this is you got me good
just like you knew you would
i dont know what you do but you do it well
i'm under your spell

you got me begging you for mercy
y wont u release me?
u got me begging u for mercy
y wont u release me?
u got me begging u for mercy
y wont u release me
i said relese me

now u think that i
will be something on the side
but u got to undrstand that i need a man
who can take my hand,yes i do

i dont know what this is but u got me good
just like u knew u would
i dont know what u do but u do it well
i'm under ur spell

u got me begging u for mercy
y wont u release me?
u got me begging u for mercy
y wont u relese me
i said u better release me

i'm begging u for mercy
just y wont u release me?
u got me begging u for my mercy
u got me begging

mercy,y wont u release me?
i'm begging u for mecy
y wont u release me?
u got me begging u for mercy

i'm begging u for mercy
i'm begging u for mercy
i'm begging u for mercy
i'm begging u for mercy
y wont u release me?

u got me begging u for mercy
u got me begging down on my knees
u got me begging,begging u for mercy
u got me begging

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